Get Involved

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GET INVOLVED!!! Learn and be apart of our new and ongoing projects in the Tweed.



“Ages of the Tweed” mural in progress January 2016


Earth Learning Inc. will maintain the Gondwana Trust Fund for the specific purpose of supporting the environmental objectives of Earth Learning Inc. The Gondwana Trust Fund is established to receive all gifts of money or property for this purpose and any money received must be credited to the Gondwana Trust Fund  bank account. The Fund must comply with subdivision 30-E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Earth Learning Inc. Australia is a Not-for-Profit, REO Registered Environmental Organisation that is part of the Commonwealth Tax Deductibility Scheme.

The Gondwana Trust Fund is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations to the Gondwana Trust Fund are tax deductible.

Direct deposits can be made to:

Earth Learning Inc.

Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 062 580

A/c: 1027 4003

Please contact solar homes on   02 66791439

email:   and / or complete the contact form below.

Thanking You